Clinica Health
Clinica Health
Clinica Health is the attempt of Dr. Purnendu Bhowmik to reach the masses with top-notch laser surgery and laparoscopic surgery. These are some of the best ways in which conditions like piles, circumsion, etc. can be treated.
Dr. Purnendu Bhomick is a leading laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata who has a passion for making healthcare affordable to all. He has one of a kind clinic in Kolkata where he treats patients. It is his dream to reach the patients across the Eastern zone of India for cost-effective surgery using either lasers or laparoscopy. Reach out to Clinica Health for more information.
Contact Details
Address Details
Iris hospital
Legal Entity: Sole Proprietorship
Founded: 2010
No Employs:
Turnover: 700047