Hope Hospital
Hope Hospital
Hope Hospital is the foremost name of healthcare in Nawanshahr. We have a team of consultants comprising of renowned and experienced Surgeons, Orthopaedicians, Obstetricians, Gynaecologists & Anaesthesiologists to tackle all routine cases and emergencies.
Our best multispeciality hospital has all the ultra-modern equipment and medical services. There is a round the clock emergency services department to efficiently handle any critically sick patients under the supervision of trained medical officers. We also have dedicated labs for routine and specialized tests in addition to facilities like X-Ray, and pharmacy.
Our best multispeciality hospital has all the ultra-modern equipment and medical services. There is a round the clock emergency services department to efficiently handle any critically sick patients under the supervision of trained medical officers. We also have dedicated labs for routine and specialized tests in addition to facilities like X-Ray, and pharmacy.
Contact Details
Address Details
Opp. Civil Hospital
Chandigarh Road
E-mail: hopehospitalnsr83@gmail.com
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