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Is it possible to get a cost-effective hair transplant in Delhi?

Is it possible to get a cost-effective hair transplant in Delhi?

Date : 2024-11-19

Hair Transplants have gained immense popularity in India. Delhi, a city in India, is known for its reputable clinics that are renowned for offering top-notch hair transplant services. Additionally, the hair transplant clinic in India cost is much lower than in other countries. 

Dermalife Hair and Skin Clinic is the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi that stands out as the most prestigious hair transplant clinic. Our clinic has state-of-the-art facilities, and we customize the treatments for our patients. Despite offering services comparable to international clinics, we are known for providing Delhi\'s most affordable hair transplant services. 

Hair Transplant in Delhi: Understanding the Procedure

A hair transplant is a minor surgery involving moving the hair roots from the donor to the recipient area. Only high-quality roots are chosen during this procedure to get the best possible outcomes. The most common donor areas are the sides of the head, back of the head, chest, beard, and axilla. The success of a hair transplant procedure generally depends on how much hair you have in these donor areas. 

Once the roots are taken from the donor area, they are implanted in the bald area. This procedure is capable of giving wholly natural and permanent results. 

There are two methods we perform for hair transplants in Delhi: 

FUE ( Follicular Unit Exreaction) 

Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, is a hair transplant technique that involves extracting hair follicles through a punch. Your surgeon will choose harvested hair from different parts of the donor area so there is no visible hair thinning. The extracted hair follicles are prepared for implantation and transplanted to the places where the scalp has no hair.


The procedure does not leave any visible scarring, making it ideal for patients who want a head full of hair. Some soreness is expected, but generally, patients report very little pain after this hair transplant procedure in Delhi.


Boosted FUE

Invented by Dr Gaurav Garg from Dermalife Hair and Skin Clinic, it is one of the most advanced hair transplant techniques in India and worldwide. A more direct hair transplantation method involves implanting grafts over the recipient side when harvested from the donor site. The time between the extraction and implantation does not exceed an hour; hence, the chances of losing hair grafts are minimal. 

Another prominent feature of Boosted FUE is its lack of root touch therapy. During this method, the roots of the grafts are not touched, which enhances their survival rates and, hence, results in better results after the hair transplant

Both hair transplant procedures are safe and take 7 to 10 days. These techniques are the most preferred ways to treat baldness. The final result of a hair transplant can be seen in a year, and noticeable results can be seen in 4 to 5 months. 

Hair Transplant in Delhi: Is it a costly procedure? 

The price of a hair transplant in Delhi depends on several things: 

  • The extent of baldness

  • Gender of patient

  • Type of hair transplant

  • The method used for hair transplant

  • The density of hair in the donor area

  • Surgeons\' skills and expertise

  • Type of hospital and its accreditation

In India, a hair transplant costs from INR 70,000 to INR 4,00,000, which is reasonable compared to hair transplant costs in foreign countries. It is worth noting that many reputable hair transplant clinics in India offer services comparable to those provided by facilities abroad. 

How do you look for a cost-effective hair transplant? 

Achieving affordable hair transplants in Delhi is the common goal for many patients who want this procedure done. It is essential to be cautious of the clinics that compromise quality by offering low-cost hair transplants. When choosing an affordable hair transplant clinic in Delhi, make sure to keep the following things in mind: 

Opt for a reputable clinic only.

Choosing a hair transplant clinic in Delhi with a solid reputation is essential to achieve a successful hair transplant. Reputable clinics have excellent user ratings and can be trusted to provide exceptional outcomes. We advise you to be cautious with clinics with uncertain credentials and instead opt for the one that does not compromise quality. Paying a little extra will help you in the long run. 

Choose a proficient surgeon. 

When seeking hair restoration solutions, the experience of a hair transplant surgeon matters a lot. Opting for an inexperienced surgeon to save money can lead to costly consequences if the procedure fails to yield satisfactory results. Therefore, investing in a skilled hair transplant surgeon is worth ensuring a smooth treatment process and positive outcomes. 

Focus on the integrity of hair transplants.

The delicate nature of these tiny hair follicles necessitates expertise in hair transplantation to prevent any potential damage. Improper handling and inadequate procedures can harm the hair grafts, resulting in increased costs due to additional grafts needing to achieve the desired coverage.

Refrain from opting for lower-priced services.

Resisting the temptation of cheaper procedures is essential as they may not yield the desired results and could ultimately escalate the expenses associated with hair transplant restoration.

To learn more about hair transplants in Delhi, please contact us today!!!

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Understanding Vitiligo: Causes, Symptoms, and Types

Understanding Vitiligo: Causes, Symptoms, and Types

Date : 2025-02-08

It is estimated that vitiligo affects at least six million people worldwide. It is characterized by skin depigmentation, and the patient is prone to developing white patches on different body parts. It is vital for people suffering from this skin disorder and also for individuals who have friends or close ones with vitiligo. To get straight to the point, this blog will focus on vital information about vitiligo causessymptoms, and vitiligo types

Vitiligo Causes 

The skin doctors in Delhi say that the cause of vitiligo is unknown; nevertheless, scientists have found several possibilities that could have triggered this disease. Among all the causes of vitiligo, one of the leading apparent causes is an autoimmune response. Autoimmune diseases result when the body\'s immune system begins attacking the body\'s healthy cells. In the case of vitiligo, the body\'s immune system directs an attack on the melanocyte cells, which are responsible for producing melanin, skin pigment. 

 It is also essential to indicate that hereditary predisposition can also become one of the causes of the development of vitiligo. Research has also stated that people with a family history of vitiligo or any other autoimmune disorders are at higher risk of getting the skin disease. They found that Caucasian vitiligo patients were significantly more likely to develop autoimmune thyroid disease compared to controls, implying that vitiligo\'s presence may be inherited in some families as a trait. 

 According to dermatologists in Delhienvironmental factors can also be classified as vitiligo causes. Some precipitating causes primarily associated with vitiligo include severe sunburn, Industrial chemicals, and High stress. These factors may cause oxidative stress, destroying melanocytes and resulting in white patches on the skin. 

Symptoms of Vitiligo 

Identifying signs of vitiligo to diagnose the condition as early as possible is noteworthy. The first and the most observable sign is that the skin becomes lined with white patches. These patches can develop at any part of the body. Still, they can be seen on parts of the body that may be most often exposed to the sun, such as skin areas in the face, neck, hands, and arms. The patches of skin affected by vitiligo may begin as tiny and then grow more significant over time. 

 However, other symptoms of vitiligo can include impairing skin color together with early grey hair on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard. This is because vitiligo also affects melanocytes in hair follicles, making hair progressively depigmented. This process is also accompanied by disturbances in the retinal pigmentation, which may result in alterations in the color of the inner layer of the eye called the retina; such a change, however, is not reflected in vision. 

 However, it is pertinent to consider the psychological status of the disease as another aspect of the symptoms of vitiligo. It is embarrassing and thus affects the emotional status of the disease, self-esteem, and anxiety in sociable persons. These psychological problems should be addressed by men and women with vitiligo by seeking medical help, patients\' associations, and relatives. 

Types of Vitiligo 

Vitiligo has different subtypes, each characterized by the distribution of the depigmented skin areas. Knowledge about these types would enrich the diagnostic procedure and subsequent treatment plan creation. 

 Generalized Vitiligo: This is the most frequent form of vitiligo in which white patches are spread randomly on different body parts. The patches are often oval in shape and equal in size and may be located on both the body\'s right and left sides of the body. 

 Segmental Vitiligo: Consequently, segmental vitiligo only occurs in one segment of the body or only on one side of the body. It starts at a younger age and may remain active for a year or two before reaching a plateau. This type is less frequent and is associated with a good prognosis if treated in the early stages. 

 Focal Vitiligo: Focal vitiligo is clinically defined as a disease in which the affected body part is covered with one or a few small circular patches. It does not affect as many people as does the generalized vitiligo, and it is considered comparatively unusual. 

 Mucosal VitiligoSkin specialists in Delhi define this type as impacting some of the body\'s skin-shedding areas, including the lips, mouth, and genital areas. It is a painful condition that requires orthopedic treatment. 

 Trichome Vitiligo: In trichome vitiligo, the patches of depigmentation are surrounded by the area of slightly depigmented skin, giving it a tricolor look. This type can be more challenging to treat than the other types because of the differences in pigment changes usually shown by the patients. 

 Universal Vitiligo is the most severe form, in which 80% of the body\'s skin surface exhibits depigmentation. It is associated with loss of skin pigmentation and is very extensive in its management and treatment. 

 Best Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi 

Consequently, vitiligo is a rather intricate condition with many possible causes, manifestations, and subtypes. Knowing the causes of vitiligo can help establish specific ways of avoiding worsening symptoms in affected individuals. Knowing the signs of vitiligo is necessary to address the condition in the early stages. Last but not least, awareness of the various vitiligo types will help create effective treatments for a person\'s condition. 

 Vitiligo can affect a person\'s life in many ways, but with proper encouragement and knowledge, people can cope and live everyday lives. Any person affected by vitiligo should consult with the best skin doctors in Delhi, such as Dr. Gaurav Garg from DermaLife, or support groups and communities to manage this journey optimistically. 

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