Everything You Need to Know About the July Birthstone Ruby

Everything You Need to Know About the July Birthstone Ruby


Let us remind the July babies again of how blessed they are to have the king of precious stones as their birthstone. Yes, we are talking about the heavenly July birthstone, Ruby. Ruby is famous for its unique and deep color, which it gets because of the presence of aluminum oxide.

If you are looking for a stone that symbolizes your love and commitment, then ruby is the one. What better than a stone that is the color of your blood and heart to express to your partner that you love them and that your heart belongs to them?

Characteristics of Ruby

Rubys are exceptionally known for their rich and unique pinkish-red color. People often get confused because rubies might appear in different colors, like orange, blue, etc. A ruby can only be red. If you see a blue stone, it’s a sapphire stone. Ruby is a hard and durable stone. On the hardness list, the stone might land just below a diamond. On a Mohs hardness scale, the stone is a 9.

The durability of the stone is what makes it so suitable for jewelry designs. You don’t have to focus on choosing a protective setting for the stone. You can always experiment.

Tips to keep in mind while selecting your July birthstone

You might get swooned by the stone when you look at it for the first time. Don't let its beauty deceive you. You need to keep a few points in mind before getting your hands on this July birthstone.

1. Where to buy from: This is the first and foremost thing that you have to take care of. When you are looking to buy such precious stones, you should always go to a trusted or verified seller. In the gemstone world, people can scam you easily. You always need to be very careful with your seller. So whenever you think of buying, always go to a seller that is trusted by many.

2. Get a lab report; one can easily give you a duplicate or fake ruby instead of a real one, and you'll never know. There’s a very slight difference. You see, color and transparency are the main things that people scam you for. People think that a natural ruby is clear and transparent. Well, it's not. A naturally sourced ruby is opaque. If you think that you too easily found a rich, deep-coloured ruby, then it's probably too good to be true. Always ask for a lab report on the stone. A test report will show whether the stone is fake or real.

3. Do some tests to check. You should try doing a scratch test to see if the stone’s a real deal or not. You can use a nail or coin to scratch the stone. The stone cannot get a scratch if it's real. Another way to find out is by scratching rubies against a surface. If, when you scratch it against any surface, it leaves a red streak, that means it's fake.

These are some basic things that you can and should take care of while choosing your July birthstone. Simple steps like these can save you from a scam.

Meaning of the July Birthstone

If the phrase "beauty with brains" were to be applied to stones, rubies would be the bearer of it. The stone is just too stunning and versatile. The stone’s name has been derived from the Latin word ‘rubeus, which means red. The stone has been known and used for a very long time now. The rarity of this stone makes it even more unique. One can find rubies in necklaces, statement rings, and crowns too.

The stone symbolizes many things, like nobility, success, passion, energy, power, and love. The stone just covers it all. It's like for every emotion that you feel strongly, you have one stone for it.

Healing properties of Ruby

Ruby Gemstone is not just used for jewelry. This red stone serves many other functions. Rubies hold healing benefits that affect our mind, body, and soul. Let’s take a look at how Ruby is there to serve us.

Physical healing properties

  • Keeps our heart and circulatory system healthy.

  • Solves your fertility problems

  • Kills all of your physical exhaustion.

  • Detoxifies your blood and treats your infections.

  • Take care of your spleen and kidneys.

Emotional healing properties

  • Gives you more self-confidence.

  • Helps you stay creative, loyal, and compassionate.

  • Enhances your spiritual wisdom

  • Gives you protection against psychic attacks.

Metaphysical healing properties

  • Aligns and protects your root and heart chakras.

  • Allows you to connect with yourself.

  • Gives you more confidence and love.

Where can I find Ruby?

The stone is rare, but not in terms of availability. You can find rubies in locations like Afghanistan, Australia, Cambodia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Malawi, Pakistan, Vietnam, and the United States. Out of all the locations, you can find the best-quality rubies in Myanmar.

Finding a ruby isn't hard, but finding a high-quality one is. Rubies from Myanmar are the ones that are the most expensive and rare. So, when you want to get your hands on this July birthstone, try to get a Burmese ruby piece.

Care Guide for the July Birthstone

As we know, a stone can only stay precious when we try to keep it that way. Every stone needs maintenance. When it comes to caring for rubies, it’s pretty simple. You can use a mild soap and some lukewarm water to clean it. Even small amounts of chemical cleansers won't affect the stone. The stone has a high hardness level, and you cannot damage it easily. Although using any kind of strong acid cleaner like lemon can cause damage to the stone,


Now, you July babies know why people are jealous of you. Ruby is a stone that is loved by all, and there’s absolutely no reason why one wouldn't love it. You don't need to be born in July to own a pretty red stone. All you needed was a sign to do it, and this is it. This is your sign to pamper yourself and your loved ones with this heavenly stone.

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