Battling Breakouts? 9 Reasons Your Acne is Getting Worse

Battling Breakouts? 9 Reasons Your Acne is Getting Worse

We all have physical characteristics that give us our charm and appeal. Our traits tell a unique story, whether it is a sprinkling of freckles, a childhood scar near the eyebrow, etc. And then there is acne. Most of us deal with acne at some point in our lives. Sometimes, it is just a simple or two; at other times, it is a cluster of painful cysts. Undoubtedly, the best way to manage acne is to get personalized care from a dermatologist. However, sometimes, individuals observe that their acne is getting worse day by day. But what could be the reasons behind that? 

This blog will detail the top reasons why acne is getting worse daily. To draft this post, we took insights from Dr. Rajat Gupta, a renowned skin specialist who offers the best acne treatment in Faridabad at Skination Clinic. Let’s begin this blog now. 

Why is My Acne Getting Worse? 

Following could be some of the reasons for acne getting worse: 

1. Popping the Pimples

Popping pimples can be one of the worst habits of your complexion. In addition to making matters worse and leaving scars, you run the risk of introducing bacteria, which can result in infections and other serious health problems. The risk is higher if you pop the acne around the mouth, the nose, or between the eyebrows.

2. Not Wearing Sunscreen

If you struggle with acne, it is best to apply thick and greasy sunscreen on the face daily. It can seem like an effective recipe for a pore-clogging disaster. Using the proper sunscreen can help prevent acne by protecting your skin from UV rays. But be sure the sunscreen is appropriate for your skin type. 

3. Failing to Cleanse the Face Before Exercising

We all know cleaning the skin after a sweaty workout is important. But how often do you clean your face before working out? Exercising can be fantastic for your skin. However, sweating with a dirty face can irritate the skin and clog the pores. Individuals do not need to perform a skincare routine before a workout. You can use a gentle makeup remover to eliminate makeup, oil, or dirt residue. 

Have excessive acne on the face that is not going away? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Rajat Gupta, the best dermatologist in Faridabad, to get an effective acne treatment.

4. Failing to Change the Pillowcase

The pillow and pillowcase often accumulate bacteria, oil, and dirt very quickly. So, it is important to make sure to launder the pillow whenever necessary and change the pillowcase at least twice weekly. Also, you should use a pillowcase that is not rough on the skin. Silk pillowcases are an effective option as they are gentle. 

5. Failing to Cleanse the Makeup Applicators

Makeup brushes and sponges can carry germs, leftover makeup, debris, oil, skin cells, and other factors contributing to acne. Ensure you wash your makeup applicators at least once a week to prevent reintroducing harmful substances to the skin.

6. Touching the Face

Although it might be difficult to resist touching the face, our hands tend to transfer bacteria that cause acne, which causes irritation and outbreaks. Avoid scratching the face with bare hands, and keep a tissue with you if you need to wipe your sweat or rub the nose. 

7. Using Skin-Irritating Hair Styling Products

Certain products may not be suitable for your skin, even though they work wonders for your hair. Products that include a lot of silicones and emollients can attract germs and clog pores, leading to outbreaks. Therefore, wear the hair away from the face and do not apply products too close to the hairline.

8. Not Washing the Hat

If you wear a sun hat, ensure it does not touch your face. Wash it properly so that no dirt and oil enter the face. It is also vital to let the skin breathe. If you wear a headgear all day, remove it, clean off the sweat, and allow the skin to dry. Also, ensure the hair is not too tight, which can lead to breakouts.

9. Skipping Visit to a Skin Specialist

If you struggle with acne, the best way to address it quickly is by getting a customized treatment from a renowned dermatologist. This way, you will get to the root cause of the issue.

Final Takeaway

To summarize, we just discussed the top reasons that make acne worse. If you are experiencing acne on your body and want to get rid of it, you must seek the help of an expert dermatologist to get effective acne treatment.

To do this, you can consult Dr. Rajat Gupta, the best dermatologist in Faridabad, at Skination Clinic. The expert dermatologist at the clinic offers several treatments for acne, such as oral medications, topical medications, chemical peels, Q-switch lasers, fractional lasers, and intralesional injections. 

All these treatments are personalized according to the individual's skin type and the severity of the condition. To learn more about these acne treatments, visit Skination Clinic today. 

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